Design Services

Do you have a dream of a timberframe home, garage, shed, addition, porch or gazebo but you can’t quite picture it or need help working out specifics? Offcut Timber Design will work closely with you to understand your project goals and develop a design to meet your needs. Drawings can be produced to provide to your builder or your building authority. Design is normally performed using 3D CAD which provides the customer with an accurate and realistic vision of the completed project.

Offcut Timber Design holds a Certificate of Authorization with the Professional Engineers of Ontario. This allows us to provide Engineering services and to stamp drawings and other design documents as required. If you’ve already got a design for your timberframe, but you want and Engineer to confirm the structural integrity, consider enlisting the help of Offcut Timber Design
From simple post and beam to traditional mortise and tenon jointery, Offcut Timber Design can bring your project to realization. Are you an owner-builder and want to be a part of the process? Raising day is a very exciting time and Offcut Timber Design would love to work with you and your family and friends to orchestrate a “barn raising”!

Why Offcut Timber Design?
Offcut Timber Design is a one stop shop for timberframe design, engineering and construction…or any one of these services on its own! Every customer has different needs. Some may have a solid design, but need help satisfying themselves and their building authority that it is sound. Others may need help visualizing what might be possible. Whatever the case may be, you’ll get enthusiastic, personal service!